
Beverly Switzler (Lea Thompson) Howard The Duck #1 Homage REMASTER

  Near the end of this past summer, my original " Lea Thompson as comic Beverly Switzler " images from 2019 saw a sudden burst of favorites on DeviantArt from out of nowhere. I don't know why, but they just did. I also knew my DeviantArt anniversary would be coming up soon, and like I've said before, I'm a bit embarrassed with how those early images look now compared to my more recent material, and I thought it would be fun to take another crack at the concept ( again ). To make a long story short, things happened and I pushed it back in favor of focusing on the far more pop-culturally relevant Doctor Who and Poison Ivy images to be posted in the weeks around Halloween. Better late than never, I suppose. Clean version without effects. Beverly Switzler (Lea Thompson) Pin-Up on DeviantArt

Goldfinger: Pussy Galore Pin-Up

  " It's all right as long as you leave a small bare patch at the base of the spine to allow the skin to breathe. " - James Bond No story for this one, just me playing with some effects. Goldfinger: Pussy Galore Pin-Up on DeviantArt

Emma Peel: The Mind-Morphing Machine

  The Ministry had received a tip that the London-based Pherum Technologies was working on a device capable of "direct synaptic interface", a more sensational way of masking the machine's true purpose to influence and control one's thoughts. Emma Peel (now an official operative of The Ministry) was sent to investigate the insider's claim, going undercover and getting hired on as a receptionist. Unfortunately for Emma, it didn't take long for Pherum to learn of the spy within their organization, and it was soon arranged that Mrs. Peel would get her up-close and personal examination of the latest model of their mind-morphing machine. With the synaptic interface device firmly fixated to Emma's temple, Pherum put their newest employee to work as a security drone, patrolling the complex in search of any would-be saboteurs or secret agents looking to stop her masters... To make a long story short, I found inspiration for this image in a recent revisit of a carto

Susan Foreman and Barbara Wright Pin-Up

  Recently, I did a remastered version of Prisoners of The Spiders with Susan and Barbara, and it got me wanting to do something else with them. I wanted to do something in the vein of the Rose and Donna pin-ups from a few months ago inspired by the Doctor Who DVD re-releases, but decided to make it more like a "lost" promotional image with the two (taken on what is clearly a television studio set). It's simple, but I like how it turned out. Susan Foreman and Barbara Wright Pin-Up on DeviantArt

April O'Neil: Correspondent In A Catsuit

  A latex take on April's "classic" costume, sported here by Judith Hoag (who portrayed April in the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live action film in 1990).    April O'Neil: Correspondent In A Catsuit on DeviantArt

Prisoners of The Spiders REMASTERED

  Beneath the small English village of Blackcaster, deep within a winding cavern, Barbara Wright is about to discover an unnatural metamorphosis is taking place. Protected from the harsh cold air of the subterranean chamber inside a warm gelatinous cocoon of orange and yellow, Susan Foreman's mind has become something like a soft clay being psychically re-shaped by the alien arachnids that call this cave home. Like the others abducted before her, she's completely surrendered herself to their powers, embracing the Eight Legs as superior creatures that need to be obeyed. The oily skin of the pod glistens in the dark from the beam of Barbara's torch, revealing large silhouettes of spiders looming in the wings to strike at the unsuspecting school teacher...   A remake of the two Susan and Barbara: Prisoners of The Spiders images from 2020, now done in the style of a vintage sci-fi anthology magazine.     Fun fact: this was the only element I saved from the original im

Donna Noble Pin-Up

  While I had long wanted to do a "Remastered" version of my Donna and Rose: The Stolen Planets image from last year, this week's surprise announcement was just the motivation I needed to whip this up. Much like the Rose Tyler image I posted back in March, this "pin-up" is inspired by the US covers of the early Doctor Who series re-releases from a couple years ago. Donna Noble Pin-Up on DeviantArt