Ginnifer Goodwin as Venom (Earth X)


In a dystopian future of the Marvel Universe, the daughter of Peter Parker finds herself the subject of an attack from the Venom symbiote. Instead of losing herself to the creature's aggressive nature as her father almost did years ago, May Parker's powers managed to eradicate the alien's hostile nature and brought it fully under her control. Now, May embraces the symbiote as an extension of herself, swinging across the dreary New York skyline as the new Venom...

A few months prior to making this image, I did one of my "fancasting" pictures turning Ginnifer Goodwin into the Laurel Kent version of Superwoman, and shortly after that I began to wonder what Marvel Comics character Goodwin could possibly play. While I had put that concept on the back-burner, it wasn't until a recent rereading of the Earth X series that I found the potential role to put her in.

Ginnifer Goodwin as Venom (Earth X) on DeviantArt


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