Amy Pond: Cyberwoman


The Daleks had put up a good fight, but they were no match for the overwhelming number of Cybermen. With the battle won, the metal monsters gathered the remaining crew and passengers of the space cruiser, moving them aboard their command ship and directly into the cyber-conversion chamber. Among the prisoners was space-adventurer Amy Pond, who had received the space cruiser's SOS and came to aid in any way she could.

Over the hundreds of years of their existence, the Cybermen had been working on improving their nanomachine technology. It was a faster method for conversion, especially useful for converting such a large number of humans in a short amount of time, and Amy was about to get a first-hand demonstration. The microscopic computers crawled along her pale skin, eating away at the black suit protecting her. She writhes in pain as they graft onto her flesh, but briefly stops as she's caught off guard by the feeling of a large helmet sliding on top of her head.

The silver helmet tightens against the woman's cranium once it makes contact, pushing a series of needles through her fiery red hair and boring directly into her scalp. Amy's erratic movements come to an abrupt end as the alien headgear releases it's microscopic contents through her skull. Her mouth hangs agape as her once pain-filled expression turns to one of complete blankness, allowing the nanomachines creeping up her neck and chin access inside the opening. In moments, a connection is forged between Amy's brain and the hive-mind of the Cybermen. Artificially-induced pleasure spreads across her body as the conversion moves into the final stages, a welcoming gift from the hive-mind to show it's acceptance of her.

After the roles are allocated to the newly-converted, they part ways to their designated areas. On the ship's highest deck, a small doorway opens for the new arrival.
Glowing blue eyes scan the room for her assigned terminal until it's finally located. Though most of the Cybermen aboard the bridge are occupied, some catch a glimpse of the being that once called itself Amy Pond. From head to toe, her metallic silver skin shines from the bright lights above as she moves across the room. Not a trace of Amy remained after her conversion was completed, she could care less about returning to Earth over her fiancé, the thought of love for a creature of flesh and blood now unthinkable. Her new love was that to the Cybermen, and the never-ending mission to convert all life throughout the universe..

Amy Pond: Cyberwoman on DeviantArt


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