Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman): Floral Freedom (NSFW)

Escaping from Arkham Asylum had proven to be a difficult task, but not an impossible one. Several long years of planning and patiently biding her time had paid off at last, and Poison Ivy was once again unleashed upon the streets of Gotham. The city had changed so much since the dawn of this new millennium, which made navigating through the dark alleys a bit challenging, but eventually she found the way to her destination.

In her absence, the Turkish Bath House that she once called her own little Eden had become a gloomy dungeon full of nothing but destroyed laboratory equipment and dead plants. There was no doubt it had been raided by Batman or the GCPD, but Pamela still had hope that she could salvage something from the destruction. She began to rummage through cabinets and table draws, looking for anything that might have been overlooked by the law. Suddenly, while blindly reaching into a cabinet overhead, she felt something. The little plastic bag was just about the size of the palm of her hand, and filled dozens of her genetically-altered seeds, each one no bigger than her thumb. Quickly, she ran over to a large fracture within the concrete floor of the building, allowing a few of the seeds to fall to the patch of dirt underneath. Pamela smiled as vines and roots began to sprout up, their rapidly increasing size breaking apart the smooth ground and exposing more earth to allow the remaining seeds to take hold.

Mere minuets was all it took for the once somber-looking building to become a flourishing garden once more. As the warm air became thick with the aroma of thousands of flowers, Pamela rid herself of the black and white striped Arkham uniform, allowing her chlorophyll-like skin to bask in the hot red and pink lights. Behind her, a giant flower began to blossom, pulling itself closer as she reclined back into it's soft center. Seated comfortably within her new throne, the silky orange petals began to slowly fold back in, protecting "Mother Nature" as she closed her eyes. In what was her first good night's sleep in what seemed like forever, Ivy dreamed of a world without humanity, where plants could thrive without fear of destruction. It was a world she longed to make reality, but first, she was going to enjoy her regained freedom...

This was my first photo-manipulation where the subject was nude and uncensored. My original intent was to do an image of Uma Thurman (as Ivy) in a scene inspired by Alex Ross and Jim Krueger's Justice #6 (2006), where she stood naked in the Batcave, covered only by a few conveniently placed leaves. I scrapped that concept in favor of doing something more in-line with Joel Schumacher's neon-abundant Batman & Robin film which that version of the Poison Ivy character originates from. The decision to make a nude variation of the image was early on in the planning process, since she was essentially not going to be wearing anything at all in the first place (not only that, but Ivy is canonically a character who wears little to nothing in the privacy of her greenhouse home, as seen in such books as Batman: The Widening Gyre).

Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman): Floral Freedom (SFW) or (NSFW) on DeviantArt


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