Wizard of Oz: Debauched Dorothy


Even the purest of hearts can become corrupt given the right circumstances, just ask Dorothy Gale. Years ago, Dorothy defeated the Wicked Witch of The West with nothing more than a bucket of water, melting the hag right where she stood. Unbeknownst to those who witnessed this accidental "murder", the decades of hatred and magic held within the witch were released in the form of a sentient vapor. All it took was one breath to turn the savior of Oz into it's next scourge. Those who once called themselves her friends couldn't bring themselves to strike back, quickly falling to the dark powers now unleashed by her hands. No longer the little girl who had been brought to this land all those years ago, the new Wicked Witch of The West is clad in a oily-smooth suit as black as her heart and conjured by the magics at her disposal. Perhaps in the coming years she'll succeed where her predecessor failed, and the wonderful world of Oz will be under evil's rule...

I couldn't decide if my "corrupted Dorothy" design should have green skin after becoming evil (ala the Mila Kunis version of The Wicked Witch in Oz: The Great And Powerful), so I made this variation.

 (Above): Who would want to go back to Great Depression-era Kansas when you can sing and dance around your palace in a latex suit all day and have no-one bat an eye?

(Above): Green skin may make you stand out in a crowd, but it sure beats wearing aluminum powder make-up...

Wizard of Oz: Debauched Dorothy (normal) or (green skin) on DeviantArt


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