Peggy Carter: Host of The Hydra

Sokovia, 1947 The echos of the preceding gunfight still reverberated off the concrete corridors of the bunker as Peggy Carter slowly came out from behind her cover. About a dozen bodies of Hydra troops laid on the ground, her deadly marksmanship having stopped them in their tracks. She had failed to notice it at first, not until her boot stepped upon the slowly growing puddle underneath, but the large glass tank beside the wooden crates that shielded her from the enemy's hot lead had been struck by a stray bullet. Peggy moved around to the front of the tank, looking at the strange mass which floated in the quickly draining water. Suddenly, the mass opened an obsidian eye. Before Carter could react, the clump of flesh threw itself against the tank where the projectile hit. Glass and water knocked Peggy to the floor as the heap rode out the current to freedom. Her skull hit the concrete hard. Not hard enough for any serious damage, but just enough to black out. Eyes s...