
Showing posts from March, 2021

Cara Dune: Showdown On Nevarro

  Former Rebel sniper Cara Dune gets ready for a shoot-out against the Empire on the magma-covered landscape of Nevarro. (Above): After receiving criticism for her controversial posts on the HoloNet, the new Emperor *ahem* Chancellor has declined Ms. Dune's request to make latex the standard-issue uniform for the Rangers of The New Republic. Cara Dune: Showdown On Nevarro on DeviantArt

Donna Noble: Cyberwoman

  From the darkness of the laboratory and into the white lights of the corridor stepped out the latest subject of cyber-conversion, a woman who had once called herself Donna Noble mere minuets ago. Standing in the hall waiting for her was the base's Cyber-Commander, who stood beside a middle-aged human female clad in a silver suit. "Donna" stood at attention, her unblinking neon blue eyes staring at the wall in the space between the human and Cyberman, waiting for orders. "YOUR NANO-TECHNOLOGY HAS PROVEN TO BE RELIABLE. WE WILL BEGIN MASS PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CYBUS-DISKS." Said the digitized voice of the Commander. The woman smiled "I knew you'd love it. You know, you're lucky we ran into each other when we did. Punching a hole through the barriers between universes was hard enough for a humble business woman like myself, but finding you lot with a similar goal of converting worlds upon worlds was sheer luck. Funny how the

Wizard of Oz: Debauched Dorothy

  Even the purest of hearts can become corrupt given the right circumstances, just ask Dorothy Gale. Years ago, Dorothy defeated the Wicked Witch of The West with nothing more than a bucket of water, melting the hag right where she stood. Unbeknownst to those who witnessed this accidental "murder", the decades of hatred and magic held within the witch were released in the form of a sentient vapor. All it took was one breath to turn the savior of Oz into it's next scourge. Those who once called themselves her friends couldn't bring themselves to strike back, quickly falling to the dark powers now unleashed by her hands. No longer the little girl who had been brought to this land all those years ago, the new Wicked Witch of The West is clad in a oily-smooth suit as black as her heart and conjured by the magics at her disposal. Perhaps in the coming years she'll succeed where her predecessor failed, and the wonderful world of Oz will be under evil's

Sarah Connor: Skynet Slave Saga

  The Terminator, John's guardian from the future, had failed. In what was the battle to determine the fate of humanity, the T-800 was pushed into a vat of molten metal, leaving the Connors ultimately defenseless against the power of the T-1000. With a swift strike from the silver blade extending from the machine's hand, John Connor met his fate there in the steel factory, but Sarah had been spared. Kept in a state of frozen preservation as the T-1000 advanced the impending date of Judgement Day, Sarah's mind was reprogrammed to instill an allegiance to the machines, realizing that weak humans were unworthy of ruling the Earth. After humanity met their end in an early nuclear holocaust, Sarah was roused from her slumber by her metal masters and given a new mission. Clad in a black skin-tight mimetic polyalloy suit, Sarah Connor, once the mother of the machines most despised enemy, now patrols the wasteland as she hunts down the remaining humans to aid Skynet in

Mars Needs Women

  Summer, 1968. America's top scientific minds gather in Houston at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration headquarters after receiving an urgent call from their nation's leaders. Taken to an office backroom where armed guards stand vigilant outside the doors, the who's who of researchers, professors, and doctors are told of a radio transmission intercepted and translated by NASA just a few hours ago. A message only three words long, sent by Earth's next door neighbor: "Mars needs women." As military personnel begin planning for a potential invasion, among the stunned and silent scientists in the small boardroom sits one Doctor Marjorie Bolen, one of the nation's leading experts in genetics. In the long days that followed, a string of kidnappings swept across Texas like a wind. Women from all walks of life were vanishing in the night without a trace. While the public ran wild with conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, only a s

Alex Manning: Arcade's Assistant

  Alex Manning had never been the gamer that her friends were, but still she accompanied them to the Dante's Inferno entertainment center for the unveiling of a new video game being tested right here in their little town. Arcade was unlike anything anyone had ever seen: a virtual reality game that learned and adapted to each unique player, and graphics which made one feel as if they were right there in the digital world. With home copies of the game sent out to every teenager in the city to beta test, Arcade was becoming far more smarter (and more corrupt) than anyone could imagine. Preventing players from beating the game was still it's main objective, but now the artificial intelligence had a new pastime: enslaving the minds and bodies of those who dared challenged it in the digital realm. With each passing hour, more and more of the city's youth were disappearing without a trace. It was only after her boyfriend vanished that Alex began to investigate the di

Ginnifer Goodwin as Superwoman (Laurel Kent)

  A descendant of Superman in the 30th Century, Laurel Kent inherited her alien ancestor's power of invulnerability (along with some limited super-strength). Because of her impervious skin, Laurel saw little need for an elaborate costume, and preferred to cover herself with a simple red poncho-like cape. Laurel eventually joined the training academy of the Legion of Super-Heroes after being denied instant acceptance to the team, where she pushes herself to the limit to better understand and control her powers and abilities. (Above): Let's be honest, if prudishness was completely erased by the 30th Century, Laurel wouldn't wear anything at all. Ginnifer Goodwin as Superwoman (Larurel Kent) on DeviantArt

Taylor Swift: Cyberwoman

  It wasn't Taylor's first brand endorsement deal by any means, but budding tech company Cybus Industries had offered her more money than all of those previous businesses combined. While initially wary of such a lucrative offer, it was Swift's agent (and army of lawyers) who made sure that it was indeed a legitimate deal, and it wasn't long until she found herself in the halls of the company's new Silicon Valley headquarters. The secretary stopped before a blue door marked with a silver plaque reading "Dressing Room", twisting the knob and holding it open to allow Taylor to pass. "The studio is through the double doors at the end of the hall." Before Taylor could respond, the door had already closed behind her, followed the immediate click of a deadbolt. Fluorescent lights from above suddenly activated, illuminating the grey walls of hexagonal-shaped room. The chamber was completely devoid of any mirrors or furnishings one would typ

Marion Ravenwood: Guardian of Ikammanen (NSFW)

  1937: The light of her flickering torch reflected off the gilded bodies tucked away in the alcoves of the temple walls, leaving no doubt in Marion Ravenwood's mind that this was indeed the resting place of the Ikons of Ikammanen. According to legend (and a first-hand account from Indy), the Ikons were living golden statues that protected the inhabitants this uncharted island, or became invincible avengers to right a wrongful death. Knowing that Jones had failed to recover any of the Ikons during his brief visit not long ago, Marion had journeyed to the temple on her own in order to find some of that "fortune and glory" on her own, and now here it was right in front of her. Lost in her thoughts, Marion fails to notice that her unwanted presence has been detected until a smooth stone object collides with the back of her head, and suddenly, the world goes dark. The combination of extreme heat and the echos of strange voices stirs Marion from her slumber, awak

Ginnifer Goodwin as Venom (Earth X)

  In a dystopian future of the Marvel Universe, the daughter of Peter Parker finds herself the subject of an attack from the Venom symbiote. Instead of losing herself to the creature's aggressive nature as her father almost did years ago, May Parker's powers managed to eradicate the alien's hostile nature and brought it fully under her control. Now, May embraces the symbiote as an extension of herself, swinging across the dreary New York skyline as the new Venom... A few months prior to making this image, I did one of my "fancasting" pictures turning Ginnifer Goodwin into the Laurel Kent version of Superwoman, and shortly after that I began to wonder what Marvel Comics character Goodwin could possibly play. While I had put that concept on the back-burner, it wasn't until a recent rereading of the Earth X series that I found the potential role to put her in. Ginnifer Goodwin as Venom (Earth X) on DeviantArt

Princess Leia in Marvel's Star Wars #106

  On a mission to the planet Zeltros to seek military aid from the planet's leaders, a party held in honor of the arrival of the Rebel Alliance leaders is interrupted by the Nagai and the Tofs. Separated from Luke, Han, Lando, and Chewie, Leia is captured as the Nagai take the palace and it's party-goers hostage. Eventually managing to escape, Leia picks up a blaster and kicks off her one remaining high-heel (having lost the other during her capture), sneaking through the palace armed and barefoot in her reflective golden dress.  In the mid-1980s, Marvel Comics had done some "photograph covers" on a few of their books . Inspired by these low-budget (but charming) images, I gave Carrie Fisher the blaster and golden dress which Leia wore in Star Wars #106 (1986) and put her in a background inspired by the actual cover of said issue . Princess Leia in Marvel's Star Wars #106 (with text) or (textless) on DeviantArt

Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman): Floral Freedom (NSFW)

  Escaping from Arkham Asylum had proven to be a difficult task, but not an impossible one. Several long years of planning and patiently biding her time had paid off at last, and Poison Ivy was once again unleashed upon the streets of Gotham. The city had changed so much since the dawn of this new millennium, which made navigating through the dark alleys a bit challenging, but eventually she found the way to her destination. In her absence, the Turkish Bath House that she once called her own little Eden had become a gloomy dungeon full of nothing but destroyed laboratory equipment and dead plants. There was no doubt it had been raided by Batman or the GCPD, but Pamela still had hope that she could salvage something from the destruction. She began to rummage through cabinets and table draws, looking for anything that might have been overlooked by the law. Suddenly, while blindly reaching into a cabinet overhead, she felt something. The little plastic bag was just about th